Suprising, the Philippines is huge into motorsports and Vivid Racing has been shipping parts over there for enthusiasts to power their hobby for years. Most recently, our customer Mario forwarded over these pics of his Porsche 996 Turbo doing track duty along side some serious other Pcars. His Porsche 996 Turbo has been equipped with a full VR Stage 3 package including a VRTuned ECU Flash, AP Exhaust, Headers, DV’s, Y-Pipe, TB/Plenum, Intercoolers, and more. His suspension was done with our package kit which features the KW V3 Coilovers, H&R sway bars, Agency Power sway links, and control arms. To make sure he knows his car is moving, a Performance Box is in place. During testing, he ran along side a 997 GT3 (blue line) with his 996TT (red line) uphill and nailed just a hair under 10 seconds 60-130. Enjoy the photos!