Other Part Numbers:
Bridgestone #17789
Cancer and Reproductive Harm
We offer many warranties to protect a driver's investment in new tires with Bridgestone. A summary of one such warranty, and what coverage it offers, is below.
The following warranty is for tires sold as replacements only. All limited warranties are limited to original purchaser on originally installed vehicle. They do not apply to tires sold as original equipment on new vehicles or select replacement tires. Certain limitations and restrictions apply. See your authorized Bridgestone retailer, or the full Tire Maintenance, Safety and Warranty Manual for details.
U.S. & Canada – Original proof of purchase required to take advantage of the Buy & Try, 90--Day Guarantee. Applies only to the purchase of a set of four or more tires. Tires must be returned to the original dealer within 90-DAYs of purchase. Buy & Try, 90--Day Guarantee does not apply to tires supplied as original equipment on new vehicles. Does not cover damage due to road hazard, collision or other specified types of damage.